Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Weight Loss Cure

I have to break the bad news to you but there is no such thing as a weight loss cure. But, you can lose weight with the proper diet and some exercise and good nutritional supplements.

You see, people think that a healthy diet is eating all fruits and vegetables or eat the least amount of food possible or stay away from anything with fat in it or .... do I need to go on?

None of these are true. The ancient diet is the best diet. Now, this isn't a name for a diet like "Atkins Diet". What I mean by the ancient diet is getting your diet to match the diet of ancient civilization as much as possible.

That is the proper diet. You see, if they drank any milk, it was whole fat (probably raw and unprocessed). Our body needs fat even though news media and "experts" say to eat low fat things.

How Can I eat this kind of diet today?

The easiest way to do this is to eat all fresh foods. Stay away from packaged and processed foods as much as possible. You also need the vitamins and minerals that we don't get today.

With mineral deficiencies, you will actually crave didn't foods and never get your fill. Your body is dysfunctional and starts to break down when it doesn't have the minerals at the levels needed.

View this video for a 12 minute education about this.

Your body needs protein. Protein is fuel for your body and helps to stabilize your blood sugar. If you don't get enough protein, then your blood sugars can drop or raise depending on what you eat.

So if you eat mainly sugars (carbs: fruits, vegetables, breads, grains, etc) then you will have blood sugar spikes. Some carbs like grains (include breads, pastas) don't digest all that great. That's why some of my friends have big stomachs because they love bread.

Depending on your weight, height, and activity level, your body requires a certain amount of protein. Example: I am 5'8 150 lbs. and my minimum requirement for protein per meal is 34 grams. I'm not very active but my body digests food quickly. I found that I really need more like 45 grams of protein per meal.

How do I know? After I eat, if I am still digging for food, then I didn't have enough protein.

So, a child or an athlete require a lot more protein than the average adult because of the growth & activity level.

This is not a weight loss cure, but it will help you lose weight by eating the way you are suppose to.

Here is what you want to do:
Eat the right amount of protein
Avoid added sugar
Eat unprocessed and fresh foods
Get some exercise (really can get all you need in 30 minuts a week)
Use a high quality liquid vitamin and mineral supplement (visit www.powersession.com)

If you want to learn more about this, you can read the book "The Protein Power Life Plan".

To learn about 30 minute a week exercise, read the book "The slow burn Fitness Revolution: The slow motion exercise that will change your body in 30 minutes a week".

Also, you can always contact me for more information. The "Protein Power Life Plan' is 400 pages and not easy to read.

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