Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Eniva Compensation Plan

When reading the Eniva Compensation Plan, you may get confused. There are a lot of numbers and %'s floating around.

Here is the way I view the Eniva comp Plan. I look at the basics of what I need for each level. How much money I can or will make wont matter if I don't get there.

So I need to figure out how to get there and what I am required to do. To build your business, you will need leads. So be sure to also check out this MLM Free Lead Source post.

Here is the 2009 Eniva Compensation Plan for you to take a look at.

I'm going to provide you with the Basics to understand what you need to do to get to each level.

Once you reach a level, you stay at that level till the next one is reached. Commission eligibility is based upon your current qualifying achievements in the current month.

Level 1: Preferred Customer
Everyone starts at this level whether you are a customer buying the product or also building the business.

To Qualify:
1. Complete and sign an application and w-9 form. Order any product.
2. For 2 levels of commission pay, purchase 49 BV and have 1 PE frontline who has a 49 BV within the current month

There are 2 levels of pay.
Level 1 (front line)

4% pay or

10% pay
1. Purchase a PVP, PVP upgrade or a silver or gold pack,
2. Purchase $139 SV and have a $139 SV smart Order on file in the current month

20% pay
1. You must achieve 1. and 2. and also have a minimum first level SV of $2500 in the current month.

Level 2

10% pay

Help 3 people and recieve a $100 Bonus
10% Customer Rewards Eligibility

Level 2: Manager
This is the next level. Anyone can start here by joining the wholesale club or by purchasing a PVP pack.

To Qualify:
1. For 4 levels of commission pay, purchase 49 BV and have 4 PE frontline who has a 49 BV within the current month
2. At least 49 BV Smart Order on file

There are 4 levels of pay.

Same Level 1 & 2 from above

Level 3
9% pay

Level 4
9% pay

Manager Crest Award
Wholesale Product pricing (about a 20% discount)
10% Customer Rewards Eligibility

Level 3: Area Manager

To Qualify:
1. For 5 levels of commission pay, purchase 49 BV and have 4 PE frontline who has a 49 BV within the current month
2. At least 49 BV Smart Order on file
3. Have a minimum of $1200 LV within the current month

There are 5 levels of pay.

Same Level 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 from above

Level 5
6% pay

Area Manager Crest & Recognition
Area manager performance Bonus
$100/$200 Lifestyle bonus
Area Manager Builder Bonus
Wholesale Product pricing (about a 20% discount)
10% Customer Rewards Eligibility

Level 3: Regional Manager

To Qualify:
1. For 6 levels of commission pay, purchase 74 BV and have 4 PE frontline who has a 49 BV within the current month
2. At least 74 BV Smart Order on file
3. Have a minimum of $2500 LV within the current month
4. Have 2 PE frontline Area Managers that meet the Area Manager criteria within the current month.

There are 6 levels of pay.

Same Level 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 from above

Level 6
4% pay

Regional Manager Crest & Recognition
Regional manager performance Bonus
$100/$200 Lifestyle bonus
Area Manager Builder Bonus
Car Bonus
Wholesale Product pricing (about a 20% discount)
10% Customer Rewards Eligibility

Since most people don't make it this far, I'm going to stop at this level. It is easy to figure out the Eniva Compensation Plan once you make it to this level.

Buy Eniva Vibe at 20% Off & Free Shipping

You already know how great of a product Eniva Vibe is, so buy Eniva Vibe with a 20% discount. Some people try to get you to spend hundreds of dollars to get this discount but it is unnecessary.

Eniva created a program where you can buy directly from them and get about a 20% discount on every product they have.

When you first buy Eniva Vibe and sign up for this program, they will even give you free shipping.

Its a huge savings for you especially if you order Eniva Vibe every month.

The regular Preferred Customer price is $49.95. With the club, you can order Eniva Vibe for $39.95.

That's a $10 savings on each bottle right away.

I wrote about this program that explains all the great things you receive when you sign up for this program.

You can read about it by clicking on this link Buy Eniva Vibe. Its a quick read and tells about the free items Eniva wants to give you.

Eniva Vibe Discount - 20% off Everything

If you want an Eniva Vibe Discount, then you don't want to miss this awesome opportunity.

Eniva created the Wholesale Club which allows you to purchase all their products at about a 20% discount.

If you want their products, then you must sign up for this club. This is the cheapest that you will find their products and the best Eniva Vibe Discount found anywhere.

Here is the great thing. Not only will you receive a discount on all the products including Eniva Vibe, you also receive discounts and other free items. It's crazy for a company to make this kind of offer!

You also receive customer reward credit for buying products. It accumulates each month to apply towards receiving discounts on product (not core product like Vibe).

During 2009, you will receive the following items if you sign up today.

1) Free Shipping up to $9.70
2) Instant 20% Discount on each product ($10 off per bottle of Vibe)

If you continue to order products, Eniva will give you free items.

2nd Product Purchase
$10.00 off an order of $19.95 or more

3rd Product Purchase
Free Zinc with order of $19.95 or more

4th Product Purchase
Free Vitamin C with order of $19.95 or more

5th Product Purchase
Free Shipping up to $9.70 with order of $100 SV

6th Product Purchase
Free shipping up to 49.70 with order of $100 SV

How Much Does This Wholesale Club Cost?

If you purchase Eniva Vibe without the discount, it is $49.95.

If you sign up for the wholesale club and receive the Eniva Vibe Discount, you get it for $39.95 (an instant $10 savings [discount will be applied at checkout]).

The club cost is a one time fee of $39.95.

Here is the Break down.

1 Bottle of Vibe $49.95
1 Whole Sale Club $39.95
Shipping $9.70 (depending on size of order & location)
Handling Fee $1.50
Taxes (if applicable)
1 Free Shipping - $9.70
1 20% Discount - $10.00

Cost: $81.40
Savings $19.70

Click this link below to sign up for the whole sale club in the USA or to buy the product at full Preferred customer price.

Here is the Break down if you ordered 2 bottles.

2 Bottles of Vibe $99.90
1 Whole Sale Club $39.95
Shipping $9.70 (depending on size of order & location)
Handling Fee $1.50
Taxes (if applicable)
1 Free Shipping - $9.70
1 20% Discount - $20.00

Cost: $121.35
Savings $29.70

Click this link below to sign up for the whole sale club in the USA or to buy the product at full Preferred customer price.

Eniva Vibe Junior - 20% Discount

Eniva Vibe Junior is a great vitamin and mineral supplement for children. Some parents have a hard time getting their children to eat properly and to take vitamins especially when they are pills.

There are supplements out there that are fun, like gummy vitamins. I really wonder how nutritious a vitamin can be in the form of a gummy.

Some people thinkg Eniva Vibe Jr taste great while others think is isn't so great. It is easy to fix this problem. Put the supplement in grape or apple juice.

My little brother has a big problem with how things taste. I took Eniva Vibe Junior, put it in grape juice, and he drank it all. He didn't complain once.

So, yes, it is easy to get children to take what is good for them.

The great thing about Eniva's health products is that they are properly formulated to be easily used by the body.

Most products are not properly formulated, so they are not absorbed by the body. That means the product isn't used or very little of it is used.

You know as a parent, the importance of your child receiving the nutrients they need.

Vibe Junior is a great way to get the needed vitamins and minerals.

If you join the wholesale club, you can get about a 20% discount on all their products.

Click this link for more information

If you want to learn more about Eniva Vibe Junior, then click the above link and there also is more information about the product.

Monday, March 9, 2009

How to Lower Cholesterol

If you are having a problem with your cholesterol levels, there are many things that you can do naturally to help.

One of them is with an all natural vitamin supplement. There is no other product like this one. Visit this link to learn about it.

Somethings you can do to help that don't cost a lot of money.

The most important thing you need to do is to get your healthy cholesterol levels up. So you need to get good fats in your diet.

1. Take a good omega 3 supplement and/or eat good fish like sardines. Sardines are small fish and usually don't contain the heavy metals like large fish do. Avoid vegetable omega 3 because your body has to convert it to the epa and dha and it has to be in top shape to convert it. The fish has the epa and dha already, so no conversion is needed.

check out this page for my recommended omega 3 supplement

2. Add olive oil to your diet. Your olive oil should be cold pressed and extra virgin. One of the problems using olive oil is that it is omega 6 and could throw off the balance of your omega 3, 6, and 9. It is ok to use it though, I use it often.

Here is an optional salad oil that has the Omegas complete.

I recommend not cooking with olive oil. When heated, it becomes rancid and acts like a trans fat. There are oils that you can cook with at high levels. One of those is grape seed oil. For another option, check out

3. Remove bad fats from your diet. This is just as important as adding good fats. Bad fats are in fast foods but also in processed foods (many pre-packaged). Look for hydrogenated oils. These are bad fats. You will find them in breads, cookies, crackers, peanut butter, and so many other things. These are the same as trans fats without having to use them with the label.

All 3 of these will help you greatly. Learn as much as you can about your cholesterol. I recommend reading the Protein Power Life Plan. Excellent resource to help you understand how to eat properly and it includes eat meat. Most doctors tell you to stop eating meat with high cholesterol. You will be shocked with what you learn especially inregards to meat.

Don't forget to check out this page that is full of information and videos about cholesterol.

Healthy cholesterol levels in 8 days!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dr Weil on Eniva Vibe

Dr. Weil has a Q & A on his website about Eniva Vibe. Lets examine what he has to say.

"Q Eniva Vibe: Are Liquid Vitamins Better?
What do you think of the supplement (drink) Eniva Vibe?"
First, Eniva Vibe is not a drink and that is deceptive to even put that in there. There are supplements that are juices and they are drinks but those juices are meant to be drinks. They also don't have the potency of the vitamins and minerals that Vibe has.

"A chief selling point is the claim that liquid vitamins are better absorbed by the body because large, hard pills may pass through the digestive tract and be excreted intact."
That is not the only claim or selling point. It is 1 of them. It is true that many tablets and pills are made to have a long shelf life and so they pass right through the system. Even those that are easily digestible still have problems. They still have additives to hold the supplement together.

Also, many of the minerals are way to large to pass into the opening of a cell. I would love Dr Weil to show us how large his minerals are and see if they are small enough to pass into a cell and be used. Are his products ionized to match the charge of the cells in the body? I doubt it.

You see how he totally avoids those points. He wants to make sure to sell his vitamins and not have to compete with Eniva Vibe.

"While it is true that liquid vitamins may get into your system better than supplements that do not fully dissolve, the fact is that liquid vitamins aren't any better for you than good quality vitamin and mineral supplements that are formulated to be easily digested and absorbed in pill form."
I would love to see proof of this claim that Dr Weil makes. You see, on his whole page, there are only claims but nothing is backed by scientific proof.

Where is his documentation? No where to be found. Isn't that one of his complaints about Eniva? Nothing can be proved?

"The downside to liquid supplements is that they're much more expensive."
I have to ask this question, are they more expensive? His multivitamin product is $39.90.

Eniva Vibe is $49.95 with an option to join the Wholesale club and get Eniva Vibe for $39.95. Just how much more expensive is Eniva Vibe?

If you join the wholesale club, its .05$ more. Even if you pay the $49.95 for Vibe, when you compare what is in Vibe with his product, you will see that actually, his product doesn't have very much in it which makes his is more expensive.

Vibe has a joint formula already in it. You have to pay $72 to get his multivitamin with a joint formula. Now let me ask you, who's product is more expensive?

"And since many vitamins, particularly vitamin C, begin to break down upon exposure to air, in some cases the potency of liquid vitamins may begin to wane as soon as you open the bottle - even sooner if they aren't well manufactured, carefully packaged, and properly stored."
While this could be true, can he prove that this is the case with Eniva Vibe? Again, he is not specifically speaking about Eniva Vibe, just some liquid vitamin in general.

Eniva Vibe is not a liquid like any other vitamin and mineral liquid supplement.

His own website says "Keep in a cool, dry place" for directions with his own product. So, the same can be said about his pills "...the potency may begin to wane.... if not properly stored". So really, the pills aren't much different then the liquid in regards to storage.

"Although I do see a need for good quality liquid vitamins - for people who can't swallow pills easily or don't like taking them, for example - I haven't been impressed with many of the liquid products on the market today, including vitamin-infused water. Most provide unneeded calories and additives."
I think more and more people are getting to the point that they don't want to take pills. They want something easy. They don't want pills sitting in their stomach. This was the case for me and also some other people I talk who are changing to liquid.

I haven't been impressed with any other products. There are many I haven't tried because when I read the labels, I just put them down.

His last line he says that "most provide uneeded .....additives". Guess what, so do all tablets and capsules. They need binders and the other ingredients to hold them together. Does your body need binders or wax that is used?

"Eniva Vibe makes some extravagant claims - that the supplement has anti-aging effects, promotes an escalating sense of wellness, and even that results sometimes may been seen in "hours or days" (although promotional materials also caution that you may not notice any improvement in health conditions for weeks to months)."
When I first used Vibe, I started getting results within 5 minutes. No Joke. I've used a bunch of supplements and never experienced that before. You see, they might make "extravagant claims" but when they back it up with people telling their stories, its not an "extravagant claim" any more but reality.

I also had a roomate and I gave him some Vibe, he experienced similar results as myself within just 1 day. I sent some to my mother and she experienced results. She has used many other vitamins and supplements with no results. She even called me saying, "I need Vibe".

I am purposely not putting the details of the results because of space but I do talk about results on my blog. You can also read about some of my results in my Eniva Vibe Review.

"...Eniva Vibe is sold through multi-level marketing – you buy it through distributors who make money not only through their own sales but also through those of the people they recruit. I'm sorry, but I am on record as being against multi-level marketing strategies. They are often nothing better than pyramid schemes that enable those at the top to profit by leaving those at the bottom empty handed."
True that MLM's usually hype people up and don't really teach them what they need to succeed. Now he is not speaking about Eniva here. Once again he is speaking generally. He does not prove any evidence that Eniva fits into the same situation as other MLM's.

Also, yea so what people make money off of selling vitamins. Dr Weil certainly makes his share off of vitamins. How different is it? Only very little. Just think about that.

So as you see, he just generalizes about categories but is not specific about Eniva Vibe. He doesn't back up his claims with any proof and so he does not state any facts.

Maybe Dr Weil is just trying to defend against Eniva Vibe to save his vitamin business. If his vitamin business volume drops, his wallet is also affected.

What matters most in the end is this. What results are the customers getting. If you want great results and not getting them with his, then you have to try Eniva Vibe and feel the difference.

Visit to buy Eniva Vibe.

Weight Loss Cure

I have to break the bad news to you but there is no such thing as a weight loss cure. But, you can lose weight with the proper diet and some exercise and good nutritional supplements.

You see, people think that a healthy diet is eating all fruits and vegetables or eat the least amount of food possible or stay away from anything with fat in it or .... do I need to go on?

None of these are true. The ancient diet is the best diet. Now, this isn't a name for a diet like "Atkins Diet". What I mean by the ancient diet is getting your diet to match the diet of ancient civilization as much as possible.

That is the proper diet. You see, if they drank any milk, it was whole fat (probably raw and unprocessed). Our body needs fat even though news media and "experts" say to eat low fat things.

How Can I eat this kind of diet today?

The easiest way to do this is to eat all fresh foods. Stay away from packaged and processed foods as much as possible. You also need the vitamins and minerals that we don't get today.

With mineral deficiencies, you will actually crave didn't foods and never get your fill. Your body is dysfunctional and starts to break down when it doesn't have the minerals at the levels needed.

View this video for a 12 minute education about this.

Your body needs protein. Protein is fuel for your body and helps to stabilize your blood sugar. If you don't get enough protein, then your blood sugars can drop or raise depending on what you eat.

So if you eat mainly sugars (carbs: fruits, vegetables, breads, grains, etc) then you will have blood sugar spikes. Some carbs like grains (include breads, pastas) don't digest all that great. That's why some of my friends have big stomachs because they love bread.

Depending on your weight, height, and activity level, your body requires a certain amount of protein. Example: I am 5'8 150 lbs. and my minimum requirement for protein per meal is 34 grams. I'm not very active but my body digests food quickly. I found that I really need more like 45 grams of protein per meal.

How do I know? After I eat, if I am still digging for food, then I didn't have enough protein.

So, a child or an athlete require a lot more protein than the average adult because of the growth & activity level.

This is not a weight loss cure, but it will help you lose weight by eating the way you are suppose to.

Here is what you want to do:
Eat the right amount of protein
Avoid added sugar
Eat unprocessed and fresh foods
Get some exercise (really can get all you need in 30 minuts a week)
Use a high quality liquid vitamin and mineral supplement (visit

If you want to learn more about this, you can read the book "The Protein Power Life Plan".

To learn about 30 minute a week exercise, read the book "The slow burn Fitness Revolution: The slow motion exercise that will change your body in 30 minutes a week".

Also, you can always contact me for more information. The "Protein Power Life Plan' is 400 pages and not easy to read.

Mineral Deficiency

Almost everyone in the USA has a mineral deficiency. I haven't seen reports about the rest of the world, but the same probably applies to a lot of others.

Our food just doesn't have the minerals like it use to, so that means we don't get them. Another source for minerals is the water we drink. Since there is a bunch of processing including water softening, we don't get the minerals that we use to from our water.

This is a serious dilemma. We really need minerals for our body to sustain itself and to remain strong and healthy.

What are side affects or symptoms of mineral deficiency?

Obesity - When you don't have the amount of minerals your body needs, it starts to crave things. Sometimes you can crave dirt. Weird, but I've heard about it. You can have cravings of all kinds of food and just eat and eat and eat. Part of Obesity is also eating bad foods and fats. If you find that you crave a lot of things, than you may have a mineral deficiency.

ADHD - People with ADHD can have a calcium and magnesium deficiency. They have a calming effect that helps with sleep, sitting still, concentration and focus. So a person without these minerals can be hyperactive and unable to sleep or concentrate or focus. Sugar intake and blood sugar problems also play a role in this.

Restless leg syndrome - People that have restless leg syndrome most likely have a magnesium deficiency. When magnesium levels are low, muscles start to move uncontrollably. I have a friend that was having problems with restless leg. I told her to go to the store and get magnesium and take at least 300 mg a day. What happened? Her legs were fine after that.

How to get minerals

As already mentioned, you get minerals from water. I'm not to sure about mineral waters unless it is naturally occurring. If the company adds minerals to the water, it probably isn't going to be worth much. The reason is that companies try to make a profit and use low quality raw materials. This means that your body can't use the minerals they add.

You also get minerals from meat. Since the ground is also mineral deficient, then the animals also are deficient, so it wont be the best source.

You get some minerals from fruits and vegetables. The same problem with meat is also a problem with fruits and vegetables. The minerals are missing or very low.

You can use supplements. Just make sure that the minerals are in the proper form. If it is a powder, tablet, or capsule, most likely, the mineral will not be in proper form and to big for it to pass into the cell.

This is why I use a liquid vitamin and mineral supplement. The company researched all these issues and developed technology to make sure that the minerals are 100x's smaller than the opening of a cell so that it can easily pass in and be used.

Click Here to learn more about this liquid vitamin and mineral supplement.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Liquid Vitamin C

I'm sure you already know about the great benefits of vitamin C and how you can get even greater absorption with Liquid Vitamin C.

Let me recommend Eniva Liquid Vitamin C to you. They are a reputable company and their products are specially formulated for best absorption by the body.

They do not have any added sugars, no stimulants, no artificial colors and guaranteed purity.

I have been using their products for at least 3 years now and I have had great results. I used other products and just didn't see any difference.

Their vitamin C product has 300 mg of vitamin c per every 1 1/2 teaspoons.

They also have a daily multivitamin and mineral product called vibe. It has 100 mg of vitamin c in every ounce but that also includes all the vitamins and other minerals that your body needs.

View the links below for more information on the listed product and to purchase them if you are within the USA.

Click here for information about Liquid Vitamin C
Click here for information about Eniva Vibe liquid vitamin and mineral supplement

If you are not with the USA, visit this site for ordering information.

Eniva Vibe Vitamins

I started taking Eniva Vibe vitamins about 3 years ago. I was amazed to start seeing some results in the 1st day. I started concentrating and focusing better in the same week.

I have had concentration and focus problems at least since I was in highschool, so I know this wasn't something that would just go away on its own.

At the time, I was taking other vitamins and minerals and they just didn't do it for me.

Because of my person experience with them and the experience of others that I have given this product to them to try, I highly recommend it.

Please read my Eniva Vibe Vitamins review for my full story about this product and a real review on it.

To learn more about the products and purchase them, visit the Eniva Health Products site.

Eniva Health Products

Eniva health products range from liquid vitamins, to liquid minerals, to omega 3 fish oil, (all for pets & humans), and body care products.

I personally use Eniva Vibe, the liquid vitamin and mineral supplement, their shampoo and conditioner, their probiotic, their omega 3 fish oil capsules, their lip balm, and their salad oil.

So far, Eniva's products have been phenominal and delivering great results for myself. Even their shampoo makes my hair feel great.

I have used other hair products from other companies that I liked but they had questionable ingredients. Eniva has no harsh or toxic ingredients and I love that.

Eniva Vibe has helped me to feel so much better. I feel good about life and finally enjoying it. I can concentrate and focus now.

If you want to see all the other products they offer, visit this link Eniva Health Products.

Eniva Flex Joint Formula

Eniva Flex Joint Formula provides ingredients that are important for healthy joints, cartilage, and connective tissue.

Glucosamine is a building block the create specialized components of cartilage.

MSM supports tendons and cartilage.

Chondroitin provides structure, holding water and nutrients, and allows other nutrients to move through cartilage.

These can help you stay active and healthy by allowing your joints to be mobile instead of stiff.

This product is formulated for best absorption and enhanced absorption is achieved.

Click this link to order and learn more about Eniva Flex Joint Formula

Bio Chlor Liquid Greens

Bio Chlor Liquid Greens is Eniva's liquid chlorophyll product. It has natural extracts of chlorophyllins from alfalfa, spinach, and mulberry leaf. This is a unique product design and provides a broad spectrum Chlorophyllin complex.

Benefits of This product:
  • Internal Conditioner
  • Digestive Tract Detoxifier
  • Supports Healthy Oxygenation
  • Supports Healthy Cellular membranes
  • Supports intestinal Health
  • Supports circulatory Health
  • Body Deodorizer
It also has a natural mint flavor like many Chlorophyll products do. If you haven't tried this kind of product, it taste really good.

This product has 96 1 teaspoon servings. Just mix it with water and you have a tasty drink.

Click this link for information on and to order Bio Chlor Liquid Greens in the USA.

If you are outside the USA, visit for information on how to sign up for an account, then you can order the product.

Liquid Vitamins and Minerals

I personally feel that liquid vitamins and minerals are better than powders, tablets, capsules and other forms.

I have used different kinds like gels, capsules, powders, and tablets. I really didn't have much results with any of them. For most of them, nothing every changed in my health.

When I was introduced to liquid vitamins and minerals 3 years ago, my life has not been the same.

I go into detail about my experience in my Eniva Vibe review.

Please review that so you know my experience with this great liquid supplement.

Changing to this product has been the best decision ever and I make sure that I get it every month or I can't function properly without it.

If you want the finest liquid vitamins and minerals around, I suggest you use Eniva's product.

To look at all their products, click here liquid vitamins and minerals (only usa residents can order here)

Other countries visit for details on how to order.

Liquid Calcium

Liquid Calcium Magnesium & Liquid Calcium

When it comes to minerals, liquid is the best. Only a liquid will have the minerals in the proper form to be absorbed by the body.

The pills and powders have the minerals way to big to even fit inside the cell and not in the proper form. So your body isn't able to use the minerals.

A lot of calcium supplements are calcium bicarbonate which is useless to the body and just a waste of money.

It is the same stuff that comes out of your sink that is white, chalky and in chunks.

(only USA residents can purchase from these 2 below links). Either visit for information to order in other countries or order the wholesale club.

Click this link to learn more about the liquid calcium (has 300 mg of calcium in 1 ounce).

Click this link to learn more about the liquid calcium and magnesium (has 100 mg of calcium in 1 ounce).

The liquid vitamin and mineral supplement Eniva Vibe has 100 mg of calcium in 1 ounce plus all the other vitamins and minerals your body needs.

To get 20% off for these products, click this link to place your order for the wholesale club and order the product.

Best Liquid Vitamin

The best liquid vitamin (1 oz a day like the above picture).

The liquid vitamin I use has everything your body needs every day. 1 oz has all the RDA, or recommended daily allowances of the vitamins and minerals that your body needs.

This supplement is all natural and doesn't have preservatives like other supplements do (like gbg's liquid vitamin). I have people calling me because holistic people wont use gbg's for that reason but they will use the one I take everyday.

I love this vitamin because it makes me feel good. I mean, good. I'm happy every day (this is an oddity for me, I promise), I can concentrate, I can focus which allows me to read and comprehend what I am reading.

You see, I never felt good. I was either "so so" or just not very happy. I just thought that was the way I was. I didn't know different until I started taking this liquid vitamin and mineral supplement 3 years ago. I was 27 when I started, and I still feel these great effects.

When I stop taking it (by accident), I get really "groggy". I start to lose my concentration and focus.

That is why I say this is the best liquid vitamin. It gives me the minerals I need and the vitamins.

Other people are getting great results and some start to see them in the first dosage.

I feel my best when I use 3 ounces but I am currently using 2 ounces a day.

My mom was taking it a year or so ago and just asked to start taking it again. Hows that for a vitamin!

To learn about the best liquid vitamin around, visit my site

It is also available for whole sale pricing (20% discount).

If you want to learn more about my experience with vitamins and then with this one, visit my review on this product.

One A Day Vitamin

The best one a day vitamin to take is a liquid one (1 oz a day like the above picture). The tablets, pills, and powders just don't provide the vitamins that you need.

Also, you may not know this but the one a day vitamin doesn't provide you with your daily minerals that your body needs.

So, you may get some vitamins but your missing all the important essential minerals.

Most of the daily vitamins out there aren't worth much. They are low quality vitamins and may not even contain much in it. The best your body will get is 20% of what is in the pill.

So if it says it has 100 mg of vitamin c, you will get at the most, 20 mg. You may only get 10 mg depending on your bodies ability to digest it and pull the vitamins out, and the quality of the vitamin.

For my daily vitamin and daily minerals, I like using a liquid. I use to use tables and capsules but it changed the color of my urine and I hated how they sat in my stomach waiting to digest.

You want angstrom minerals. Actually small angstrom size. The minerals need to be small enough to fit inside the opening of a cell. Most mineral supplements, the minerals are way to big to accomplish this.

This is another reason why I use the liquid vitamin and mineral supplement that I do. The minerals are 100 x's smaller than the opening of the cell so they pass easily into it. The cells get the minerals they need and helps them to be strong and healthy.

To learn more about this liquid vitamin and mineral supplement, visit

Also, for a 12 minute education on health, nutrition, and supplements and 15 minutes of testimonies, listen to this audio.

Antioxidents & Antioxidant Drink

Antioxidents is actually spelled antioxidants.

Let's talk about antioxidants and antioxidant drink.

As you age, your body replaces its cells. This is a continual process. One of the problems is that the new cells are "weak" for a lack of a better word.

These new cells just aren't as good as they are suppose to be. Stress on the body causes this to happen and poor nutrition that fuels the cells.

What causes stress on the body?:
  • Mental strain
  • physical exertion
  • eviromental toxins
    • cigarette smoke
    • pesticides
    • exhaust from cars and buildings
    • poor diets
      • bad fats (trans aka hydrogenated oils)
      • toxins & chemicals in foods
      • lack of nutrition and minerals
Stress causes free radicals to be generated. Free radicals are harmful but also helpful.

First they are harmful because they attack anything in their path. This causes the acceleration of the signs of aging. They disrupt body systems, destroy cell membranes, mutate cells (which is what cancer is), and reprogram your body's DNA.

Second, they are helpful because your body uses free radicals to attack "foreign invaders". Your body keeps these free radicals locked in a protective chain and unleashes them against viruses and anything else that should not be there.

Even though they are beneficial, having to many is not a good thing.


Antioxidents make the free radicals harmless and neutralize their damaging effects. Oxidation will free the free radicals from the protection that the body has. Antoxidants help limit the oxidation process.

Antioxidant Drink

I don't use an antioxidant drink. Most of the claims of these drinks just are hype. They are also over priced which is ridiculous.

The antioxidant drinks don't provide the minerals and all the nutrition your body needs, so you are wasting your money.

The cells need the minerals and vitamins to be strong and healthy. If you only fight the free radicals, you are only doing part of the job.

So your goal is to strengthen the cells of the body for optimal health and performance and reduce the amount of free radicals and oxidation.

Antioxidant drinks just don't and can't do this.

But you can use a liquid vitamin and mineral supplement. It will provide everything you need and it is still a liquid.

Watch this video for some additional information.

Learn more about this liquid vitamin and mineral supplement at

Liquid Supplement or Juice - Which is better for your body?

Learn more about this liquid vitamin and mineral supplement at

Anti Aging Supplements

Anti aging supplements are suppose to "slow" the aging process of your body. They fight the free radicals in our body that attack and weaken it which speeds up the aging process. Stress on the body can create a lot of free radicals and oxidation allows the free radicals to break away.

Once they break away, they can start to attack which can be a bad thing depending on what they are attacking. This is why people use anti oxidants to stop the uncontrollable oxidation and releasing of free radicals when they aren't suppose to be. It also neutralizes free radicals.

Now, free radicals severely damage your body but they also help it. Your body uses free radicals to attack "foreign invaders". If something enters your body that shouldn't be there, your body will send the free radical after it and will destroy it.

Some things that cause stress on the body are:
  • Mentral strain
  • Physical exertion
  • Enviromental toxins like cigarette smoke, pesticides, poor diet

So, some people over do anti oxidants to try and destroy every free radical. This isn't a good thing.

The other thing that you need to do is to provide the right nutrition to your cells. Give them the vitamins and minerals they need. Most mineral supplements don't do this because they are to big to fit into the opening of a cell or are the wrong form.

The anti aging supplements that you use should be a high quality one that is in the right form and provides minerals small enough to enter into the opening of your cells.

The one I use has minerals in the right form and 100x's smaller than the opening of a cell and an Anti aging formula:
  • Laboratory certified powerful antioxidant strength
  • Supports the health of cellular DNA
  • Helps the body counteract damaging free radicals that can accelerate aging
  • Supports mental clarity and well being
  • Promotes vital energy and stamina
To learn more about this wonderful liquid vitamin and mineral supplement, visit

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Join Eniva Business Opportunity

It is easy to join Eniva business opportunity. I joined almost 3 years ago and have been using their products ever since.

I use internet marketing to help grow my Eniva business opportunity so that I can help others with their health but also to make money.

Click this link to sign up for the wholesale club and join Eniva business opportunity.

Here is a simple page about the Eniva Compensation Plan that will introduce you to it.

If you are wanting to join because you want to use the product, that is great. I may be able to help answer questions related to health issues that you are having. I'm not a doctor but I do study health issues and proper dieting.

If you want to also join to start a business, that is a great idea. If you want to succeed, you will need to know how to get customers. If you don't want to chase down your friends and family, then you will have to learn how to either get customers and business builders and/or how to get others chase you down.

Which ever one you decide, I can help you accomplish that.

I know how to build websites and find what people are looking for. So they can easily find me. I can teach you how to get them to find you also.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Check out this page I wrote on a free MLM Lead Source. This will help get you thinking about how you will build your business.

Eniva Vibe and Concentration

I have a problem with concentration. For a long time I just couldn't do much reading because I couldn't focus on what was in front of me.

I would read the same paragraph like 5 times until I realized that I just kept reading the same thing over and over again.

Instead of living with the frustration of not being able to read, I just didn't do it. I didn't read anything unless it was very short and to the point.

Once I started using Eniva Vibe, it was amazing because I could start concentrating. This had been a problem for me at least since I was in highschool.

Now all of a sudden, I could sit down and read a book and understand what I was reading.

I just finished reading a 400 page book on proper nutrition. It took me about 6 months to read but I got through it and learned a lot from it.

This great improvement from taking Vibe. Now, I also have to watch what I eat. Sometimes I eat certain things that make me lose my concentration (like to many eggs in a month).

Occossionaly I forget to take my Eniva Vibe. When I do this, I find that I space off at work for a few minutes at a time.

This only happens to me when I don't take it.

So, I try to make sure I take my 2 ounces a day.

If you want to learn more about vibe, visit

Also, check out my review on this product

Eniva Vibe Real Review

People don't give real reviews of Eniva Vibe. They just want to tell you information so that they can just sell it.

The information seems to be useless and not even a review.

I wrote my own review about the liquid vitamin and mineral supplement from what I think of the taste to my story before using it and while using it.

I tell what Vibe did to me when I first took it and a few weeks after I was taking it.

This information is not hyped and all very true and real. Visit this link to read my:

Eniva Vibe Real Review

Eniva Vibe - How it Helps

Proper nutrition is important and that is how Eniva Vibe plays a vital role to your health.

We just don't get the vitamins and minerals that we need from our food. This is why we need to add the additional vitamins and minerals to our diet from other means.

Most supplements today just don't supply it. The technology that the Eniva Corporation has makes the minerals small enough for them to pass into the opening of the human cell.

My personal health has dramatically improved just simply by taking this product.

Here is a youtube audio to listen to. It has 12 minutes of nutritional education and why Eniva Vibe is important to use and then some testimonies of people using it including myself.

Eniva Vibe Gives Energy

A couple years ago, my mom was using vibe. Because of finances, she wasn't able to continue using it.

We were talking a couple weeks ago and she wanted to start using it again and told me to send her some.

I sent her a couple bottles in the mail. I didn't tell her the normal information that I tell people.

So she started taking Vibe and took it at night the first day. Well, she couldn't sleep and had an unusual amount of energy that night. She was cleaning and getting all kinds of things done.

She said that the next day she remembered that you aren't suppose to take Vibe late at night because it keeps some people up late at night.

At least she was able to get some cleaning and things done around the house. =O)

If you are looking for Eniva Vibe, feel free to visit this site to purchase it or learn more about it.

Buy Eniva Vibe $39.95 Wholesale Pricing

You can now buy Eniva Vibe for $39.95 instead of the $49.95 cost. This will help to save money on every purchase.

You also get about 20% on all Eniva products.

It is very easy to get this discount. You use to have to work your way up to Manager level or buy a $249 package.

If you only want to buy the product and not build the business, this isn't reasonable.

So they created a wholesale club. Anyone can now instantly come in at the manager level to get the %20 discount and get Eniva Vibe cheaper.

Visit this link to obtain the information to order Eniva Vibe at wholesale pricing.